
Union Temple Pre School

17 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY 11238

(718) 623-1322

All Together Now (ATN)


ALL TOGETHER NOW (ATN) Fall 2017 Schedule

Playgroups for 5-9 Year-Olds | Tween Peer-Support Group | Teen Mentor Program | Parent Discussion Group
Union Temple Preschool, 4th Floor

Adoption Playgroups for Children, 5-9 years old

Fun, multiracial playgroups, facilitated by adult and teen adoptees, for adopted kids from a wide spectrum of
backgrounds. Themes around identity, family and friends, and adoption story are explored. The groups
provide a “safe space” for kids to build relationships within the adoptee community.

For Tweens, 10-13 years old

A peer-support group that embraces issues, as they come up, in a fun and nurturing environment. The
group is facilitated by an adult adoptee, and offers tweens the opportunity to connect and chat about “what
is really cool – and may not be so cool – about being adopted.”

For Teens, 14-19 years old

The teen mentor program creates opportunities to participate in peer supportive playgroups for children,
ages 5-9. Our adult adoptee team, in turn, provides supervision and support to the teens to foster growth
and exploration. Carfare and community service credit are available. You can listen to our teen mentors
speak about adoption at:

For Adoptive Parents

ATN provides a space for adoptive parents to gather, connect, share resources and discuss adoption-
related issues. All sessions are led by an adult adoptee facilitator. The $250 per child fee for the children’s
and tweens groups includes the parent discussion group.

About ATN

At ATN, now in its ninth year, we believe that adoption comes with unique developmental processes for
adoptive families – and that they differ from biological families for that reason. We particularly value the
perspective of adult adoptees, seek their input, and support their concerns as an integral part of our
program. We strive to create a community in which adopted children, teens and adults can determine their
own experience and form supportive friendships among themselves. ATN groups offer support to children
and parents.  ATN is not a therapy provider.  

For more information and to register, please visit our website: