June 24, 2018

12:00 pm


NYC Pride March 2018

120 Park Avenue New York, NY, 10017

Spence-Chapin Adoption Services


Spence-Chapin will be marching with LGBTQ parents, their families, and their allies at one of the biggest Pride celebrations in the country. All are invited to join to celebrate the LGBTQ community so please bring your children, closest friends and family members. 
The march has multiple exit points so come walk for a few blocks or the entire route! 

The march typically take 60-90 minute to travel from formation to the dispersal area near Stonewall Inn. 

To learn more about this event, please visit their blog by clicking here.

Sign up at: https://www.spence-chapin.org/events/category/nyc-pride-march-2018

When & Where: 


120 Park AvenueNew York, NY, 10017