
A Guide to Adoption Options2019-11-07T15:13:05-05:00

A Guide to Adoption Options

There is no typical adoptive family. An adoptive family can have a single parent or two parents. The family may have birth children, other adoptive children, or no other children. Adoptive families can vary by age, income, lifestyle, and marital status. You may apply to adopt a child if you are single or married, young or old, childless or a parent, a renter or a homeowner.

You must learn how you can locate an adoption source that is right for you. You must find professionals that you are comfortable working with. One professional or agency might be right for one family but not for another. You must sift through the information everyone gives you to make an educated choice for yourself.

Here are some steps to take:

  1. Learn about the different options available: you can do an international agency adoption, a domestic private adoption with an attorney, or a domestic agency adoption.
  2. Educate yourself by reading adoption books and talking to people that have adopted. Request information from agencies and professionals involved in the adoption process.
  3. Join an adoption support group.
  4. Talk with family and friends about adoption and explore your feelings about adoption.
  5. Decide on your choice of the age, sex, and health of the child you want to adopt. Do not decide to accept an adoption situation that you are not completely comfortable with. Please remember that you are not shopping.
  6. Always remember that you are paying for adoption services. Do not be intimidated by professionals or agencies–they will not refuse to work with you or “be angry” with you if you ask questions, want to know how your adoption is progressing, or refuse to accept a certain option for adopting.
  7. Do not proceed with your adoption until you have done your research. Many people spend money on application fees, procedural forms and home studies before making a decision on what option is right for them. They, then, end up having to do things over, thus increasing their adoption costs.

Below are some resources providing an overview of the adoption process and to help you on your way to becoming an adoptive family.

Explore Adoption Options Below

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