“What do I wish someone had told me when I was 15, 18, 25?”

The FLUX- Life After Foster Care  book & Trainings are the answer to that question! 

Flux: Life After Foster Care is a real labor of love from more than 100 members of the alumni community to our younger brothers and sisters in care who are facing the transition from foster care to adulthood. The purpose of FLUX is to describe, predict and support some of the emotional aspects of that journey and addresses issues like dealing with your biological family, developing a new identity, or creating intimate relationships. Bulk orders and Flux Trainings ideal for foster youth, parents, and child welfare advocates

What do I wish someone had told ME when I was eighteen years old?

Published by Foster Care Alumni of America, Flux is a paperback book and training that explores the emotional journey from foster care to adulthood. For too many of us, learning how to care for ourselves and build our own lives is a messy process of trial and error. Flux provides context to the emotions, challenges and opportunities in a very complicated transition. While it won’t make the process easy, it will help make some sense out of the journey.

A diverse group of seven foster care alumni members authored the book with contributions from more than 100 alumni. Instead of advocating one right way to do things, each chapter of the book and lesson of the training shares the experience of different people who have been there. The authors encourage the next generations of young people facing the transition to examine the issues and develop a highly personal means of finding their way in the world.

Flux covers topics that include:

  • Finding and developing your unique identity
  • Creating and strengthening your support system
  • Handling biological family relationships
  • Developing intimacy with others
  • Navigating parenting issues

To order the Flux book, visit our store. For book orders larger than 25, please contact flux@fostercarealumni.org.

Flux was made possible through a generous grant and the expertise of the Andrus Family Fund, dedicated to supporting the successful transition of youth from foster care to independence.