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Adult Adoptee and Former Foster Youth Support2019-11-06T15:49:16-05:00

Adult Adoptee and Former Foster Youth Support

Adoptee support is particularly important for adult adoptees who grew up in the era of closed adoptions, when adoption was sadly not spoken about. Adoptees who struggle with not knowing much (or anything) about their biological families can often benefit from the sense of connection and community that support groups for adopted adults can provide. Even younger adoptees who do have an open adoption may benefit from this type of support for adopted children, as it can be a good way to get to know other adoptees and to talk about adoption more openly.

More Information and Resources:

Adoptees Connect

At Adoptees Connect, we focus on putting adoptee voices first by creating a safe and valuable adoptee-centric space,created by and for adoptees, where their voices can meet and be heard.

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