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Family to Family Tools for Recruiting and Retaining Foster Parents

By |2019-10-25T13:17:16-04:00October 9th, 2009|

This tool is about recruitment, training, and support of foster families. But it can also be applied to kinship and adoptive families, for preparation for one kind of family can and should include planning for the others. This is called combined recruitment.

“Treat Them Like Gold” – A Best Practice Guide

By |2019-10-25T13:17:16-04:00October 9th, 2007|

Why should we treat foster, adoptive, and kinship families like gold? Because without them, life is harder for the families and children we serve, for individual workers, and for our agencies. Without them, we have a much more difficult time keeping siblings together and placing children in their communities. In truth, good foster, adoptive, and kinship families are worth more than gold—they’re priceless.

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