The question for May 5, 2020 comes from Lisa in Tonawanda:

I am a pre-adoptive foster parent and I know there is a sibling law in NY.

Can you give me information on this?”

The Coalition HelpLine answers:

Current law and regulations maintain that children entering foster care or adoption must be placed together with their siblings unless contrary to the health, safety, or welfare of one or more of the children. If siblings are in foster care and placed in separate placements, departments and agencies must arrange appropriate and regular contact for the siblings unless the contact would not be in the child or siblings’ best interests. In the event that the court orders visitation, contact, or placement of a child with siblings, departments/agencies must comply with the terms of the court order.

Here is the link to the Administrative Directive set forth by OCFS.…/ext…/OCFS_2016/ADMs/16-OCFS-ADM-18.pdf

Here is Senate Bill S4835 signed by the Governor: “Relates to contact by siblings in foster care, surrender, destitute child and permanency proceeding”…/bi…/2017/s4835/amendment/original


Do you have a question? Call us on the HelpLine!

Call the Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York’s toll free HelpLine at 888-354-1342: the only FREE statewide 24/7 service of its kind for designed specifically to assist foster parents, kinship carers, adoptive families, related professionals and those wishing to foster or become parents. We have the support you need right now.