My name is Chemene Vizzi and I have been an adoption support group leader on Long Island for 13 years. Throughout those 13 years, AFFCNY has provided Long Island Adoptive Families with essential resources, support and advocacy that we would never have been able to provide. Support groups need support too!

In March 2020, when the world went on lockdown, we realized there was going to be a need for more mental health support in our families. The Coalition guided us to a local professional that was able to join our virtual meetings for a few months. It was important to create a positive environment for our families, parents and children, so we could stay strong during such a difficult time. This professional was able to keep us positive by pointing out that this lockdown may be hard, but it has created family time that we would never have gotten. It has also allowed us to connect with extended family and friends via virtual platforms that we wouldn’t have ever thought of doing before all this happened.

Sometimes you don’t realize what amazing resources are out there until someone shows you. Our group is here to personally tell you we would never have been able to provide such professional support for our families without The Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York!



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