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Ask Amy




Do you have Foster, Kinship or Adoption Questions? We Have Answers!

Amy Drayer, the Associate Executive Director of Programs at the Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York, will answer your questions every Tuesday and Thursday morning on Facebook!

Send questions to amy@affcny.org – put ASK AMY on the subject line!

We Have Answers!

Browse through the following FAQ list for questions already asked and answered.

Watch on Tuesday and Thursday mornings on the Coalition’s Public Facebook Page. 

801, 2020

How to Request Pre-Adoption Original Birth Certificates in New York

January 8th, 2020|

On November 14, 2019, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed legislation (S3419/A5494) which allows adoptees to receive a copy of their pre-adoption, original birth certificate when they turn 18 years old. The application process begins on January 15, 2020. Find out how to apply for your OBC now.

1710, 2019

Waiting Children who Need Homes

October 17th, 2019|

While the number of children in foster care in New York State has decreased from 53,902 children in 1995 to 15,820 as of December 31, 2018, there are still hundreds of children who are legally freed for adoption and need a family to provide for them a loving permanent home.

1405, 2024

AGAPE Hudson Valley Hope for the Journey Conference

May 14th, 2024|

Hudson Valley AGAPE’s Hope for the Journey Conference is Open to All Professionals and Parents/Caregivers in the Hudson Valley. Join us on June 1, 2024 at the Evangelical Free Church at 20 Shepherd’s Way, Clinton Corners, NY 12572.

Due to COVID, we have suspended all our in person groups and events, but we have moved all our services successfully online! The AFFCNY. Network was created to provide a safe online space for New York’s adoptive, foster and kinship families to come together in the spirit of connection and support.  You are invited to join us  in the AFFCNY.Network!

The 24/7 HelpLine will continue to be available at 888-354-1342

We hope that everyone stays safe and healthy in the coming days.

Don’t miss the upcoming opportunities to engage!

By |2020-09-18T12:09:08-04:00April 7th, 2020|

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