Home»Pro Event Calendar»Fall 2022 Express Yourself Teen Workshops

Fall 2022 Express Yourself Teen Workshops






AGAPE – Central New York


Time to get ready to Express Yourself this fall!

Are you a teen adoptee interested in poetry writing, arts, crafts, sharing music or just a fun time?

Beginning October 7th, 2022

We are so thrilled to have our fabulous Sarah Gotowka join the AFFCNY team as a lead creative facilitator for our fall 2022 Express Yourself Teen Workshop Series. The actual meetings will be held virtually on Zoom. Art supplies will be included in your requisition. Space is limited to 15 registrants; therefore, we ask that ALL teens are registered by  September 3rd. This way, we can ensure you have your art supplies in time!

Time to Express Yourself!

Please be sure to join us and RSVP for your spot on:

  • October 7th
  • October 21st
  • November 4th
  • November 18th
  • December 2nd

Meeting safely online Fridays every two weeks from 6:00 – 7:30pm!

Fill out the form for instructions on how to join!

You will be taken to a new page with instructions on how your teen to access the online support group meeting. You will also be sent a confirmation email with the same instructions. If you do not have an email, please check your spam folder.

Due to COVID, we have suspended all our in person groups and events, but we have moved all our services successfully online! The AFFCNY. Network was created to provide a safe online space for New York’s adoptive, foster and kinship families to come together in the spirit of connection and support.  You are invited to join us  in the AFFCNY.Network!

The 24/7 HelpLine will continue to be available at 888-354-1342

We hope that everyone stays safe and healthy in the coming days.

Don’t miss the upcoming opportunities to engage!

More Support For Parents

If you haven’t yet, please do join us in the AFFCNY.Network for Coalition events, trainings and more geared to help you be the best parent you can for your child’s needs! Be sure to check out the Teen Space where we will be sharing important resources just for parents of adopted teens and former foster youths! The AFFCNY. Network was created to provide a safe online space for New York’s adoptive, foster and kinship families to come together in the spirit of connection and support. Come for the group support and stay for everything else!

Look for the email reminders for these TEEN FOCUSED events! Visit affcny.org/rsvp for more information and to register!









The Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York programs and services are of no charge to families, every dollar donated helps us bring these needed support groups, trainings and events to the families that need it. 

Your generous gift allows us to continue and expand vital Coalition programming like this!

By |2022-08-24T18:06:43-04:00June 23rd, 2022|

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