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Raising Anti-Racist Children | Understanding Race and Racism

It is not enough to believe that being “not racist” will eliminate racism and racial inequities. Instead, we must work within ourselves, our networks, and our institutions to challenge racism with each decision we make. 

The practice of anti-racism is everyone’s ongoing work.

How do we do that?

  • Identify racist policies, practices, and procedures and replace them with antiracist policies, practices, and procedures.
  • Understand and own the racist ideas in which we have been socialized and the racist biases that these ideas have created within each of us.

Anti-racism is a practice that people and institutions must continue to employ, moment by moment, to fight against the system of racism. Anti-racist policy creates systems that center the lived experiences of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, produce targeted strategies that account for the disparate harm caused these communities, and, in the end, improve outcomes for all.

Let’s raise a generation of children who are thoughtful, informed and brave about race!


By |2021-11-29T11:15:15-05:00May 20th, 2021|

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